We know it as comms-pros – communications is the glue that holds a business together. But too often smaller businesses can’t afford professional comms. It’s a pure expense that doesn’t seem to directly generate revenue. In th...
One could argue the concept of strategies that are both transparent (fully allowing for freedom of choice) and subtly manipulative at the same time is hardly new – perhaps only the term “Nudge Theory” is what’s new. In this e...
Nudge Theory burst onto the scene in 2008 when Cass Sunstein and Richard Thaler published their book “Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness.” The simplest models of economics take preferences as given, but nudge ideas suggest we can be moved, steered, and in some cases mani…
Research shows more than one-quarter of crises spread to international media within an hour; two-thirds of crises reach media outlets worldwide within the first 24 hours (Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer). The democratization o...
There has never been a more important time for good science communication. Not only is it important for us to understand the value of evidence-based solutions but to actually understand the fallibility and imperfection of sci...
Podcasts are radio but on demand, dedicated to your niche interest, and (for the most part) commercial free. There are two million podcasts worldwide right now and counting. And lots of them need guests!! They are a terrific ...
As early as 40,000 years ago humans used a combination of soil, animal fat, burnt charcoal, and chalk to create colour palettes (or color in America). We know that story… but here’s the one we don’t know. In a world before tr...
LEADERSHIP COMMUNICATIONS SERIES - Episode 4 The emerging science of epigenetics explains how our lifestyle and environment have influence on our gene expression over time. It’s a growing field of research that’s changing the...
LEADERSHIP COMMUNICATIONS SERIES - Episode 3 There are many articles written by psychologists about the “theory” of working with elite-level performers; extremely few people actually get to do it. Duff Gibson is a Canadian Ol...
LEADERSHIP COMMUNICATIONS SERIES - Episode 2 Communications professionals have long stated they “want a seat at the table,” meaning communications needs to be part of the executive decision-making function. And that seat shou...
LEADERSHIP COMMUNICATIONS SERIES - Episode 1 There is substantial evidence that cultures of high trust outperform those where trust is low. There’s less employee turnover, higher employee engagement, better aligned organizati...
Adopting a growth mindset, as opposed to a fixed mindset, is one of the best strategies for accepting and giving constructive feedback. A growth mindset thrives on challenge and sees failure, not as evidence of unintelligence...
Professional communications is about making an impact to help the organization. It must get things done, change attitudes, or at least understand them. At the same time, we need to be evidence-based, use “best practices”, pro...
Those who respond to help people in high-tension, or even life-threatening situations, need strong communication skills and the right training. Police Officers, Security Guards, front-line health care workers, even bus driver...
You may have recently heard on social media a song from the early 1970’s, Prisencolinensinainciusol, by Adriano Celentano. The song’s lyrics are in no language – total and utter nonsense. It was a smash hit in 1973 in Italy, ...
The Global Capability Framework is the Global Alliance’s benchmark for how professionals in public relations and communications management perform at their best. It applies to individuals as well as those who assemble teams o...
According to World Press Trends 2019, digital news subscriber numbers are up 208% over the last five years. That could be a welcome sign that local news may survive after all. As many legacy news outlets struggle, industry an...
In a special report, authors Anne Gregory, Ph.D., Bill Nichols, Ph.D., and Professor John Underwood examine the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic for professional communicators in the English National Health Service (NHS). S...
Throughout this COVID pandemic we all know frontline healthcare workers have been doing extraordinary work and working under exceptional stress. A few weeks ago, between Christmas and New Year’s, one physician in London, part...
Cancel Culture is a neologism meaning it’s a newly coined term. It’s essentially the phenomenon of publicly shaming, rejecting, and ceasing to provide support to people, companies, or stores if they are deemed unacceptable. C...