In today’s world a social media influencer is one who has the power to affect purchasing decisions of others because of their authority, their knowledge, their title, or their relationship with their audience. Often that means they have a large social following, but it can also mean they just have the right people following them in a position to take action.
But influence isn’t new. All through history there have been influencers – those who used their positions to make the world a better place and definitely those who used their influence in bad ways.
In this episode we study the influence of people such as Abraham Lincoln; Diana, Princess of Wales; Mother Theresa, Henry the VIII, Adolph Hitler and more…
What was it about their personalities that gave them rise to influence?
Guest: Kate Mason, Australia’s personality coach
Check out Kate’s book “Who is this Monster (or Treasure) in my House?” ('Australia's%20personality,connect%20with%20everyone%20in%20life.)
Listen to Kate’s podcast Personalities, Parenting, and Partners (
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