We’ve all had those moments in our careers. Moments of sheer terror. That time we emailed to “Reply All,” that time we put the wrong phone number or website in the news release, that spelling error you didn’t catch before distributing the newsletter to thousands of people.
And sometimes the terror is out of our control. That horrible, unethical boss, that huge project you’re assigned that you aren’t ready for, and co workers from Hell!
That time you were fired.
It’s little comfort but these moments have happened to everyone. And if you haven’t experienced a moment of terror yet… it’s your turn next.
Jolene (Jack O Lantern) Ondrik
Eye on Culture
jolene@eyeonculture.ca (mailto:jolene@eyeonculture.ca)
Jolene’s previous episode on Stories and Strategies (Apple link) (https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/culture-club-looking-beyond-fit/id1512806323?i=1000477192928)
Doug (Danger) Lacombe
Communicatto Inc
doug@communicatto.com (mailto:doug@communicatto.com)
Doug’s previous episode on Stories and Strategies (Apple link) (https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/is-digital-media-leaving-a-false-impression/id1512806323?i=1000489591546)
Leave us a voice message we can share on the podcast https://www.speakpipe.com/StoriesandStrategies
Stories and Strategies Website (https://storiesandstrategies.ca/)
Do you want to podcast? Book a meeting with Doug Downs to talk about it. (https://calendly.com/storiesandstrategies)
Email Doug directly doug@storiesandstrategies.ca (mailto:doug@storiesandstrategies.ca)
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