Anna Crowe, Crowe PR Listen to the full episode #communicationskills #publicrelationsdepartment #marketing #marketingdigital #marketingstrategy #publicrelations #storiesandstrategies #prpodcast #publicrelationspodcast @crowepr3208
In this segment the Stories and Strategies Podcast, episode 78, Anna Crowe of Crowe PR says Influencers are a powerful tool but the strategies are changing. #StoriesAndStrategies #publicrelationsdepartment #publicrelations #publicrelation #marketing #marketingdigital #marketingstrategy #marketingstrategies #communicationskills #comms #influencer #influencers @IabcHQ @crowepr3208
In this segment of episode 78 of the Stories and Strategies Podcast, Anna Crowe of Crowe PR (an award winning firm in San Diego) shares their strategic perspective on Search Engine Optimization. #StoriesAndStrategies #publicrelationsdepartment #publicrelations #publicrelation #marketing #marketingdigital #marketingstrategy #marketingstrategies #communicationskills #comms #influencer #influencers @IabcHQ @crowepr3208
Things move so quickly now it almost seems wrong to consider digital marketing, SEO, influencer marketing, and even social media as “newer tools.” But the way in which we use them, our habits, and even connected applications, are changing fast. Our clients still need us to help them strengthen their…
This is a promo video for episode 77 of the Stories and Strategies Podcast Listen to the full episode on your fave directory Or watch segments of the interview on this You Tube Channel #publicrelationsdepartment #socialmedia #socialmediamarketing #socialmediatips #communicationskills #podcasts #podcastshow #storiesandstrategies
This is a promo video for episode 77 of the Stories and Strategies Podcast Listen to the full episode on your fave directory Or watch segments of the interview on this You Tube Channel #publicrelationsdepartment #socialmedia #socialmediamarketing #socialmediatips #communicationskills #podcasts #podcastshow #storiesandstrategies
In this segment of the Stories and Strategies podcast, Joey Scarillo of Grey Group explains the statistics behind Instagram usage today. Apple Podcasts Spotify #communicationskills #publicrelations #publicrelationsdepartment #storiesandstrategies #podcast #podcasts #communication #publicrelation #marketing #marketingdigital #marketingstrategy #GreyGroup #5Things
And the award goes to... Tik Tok. In this segment of the Stories and Strategies podcast, Caine Fair of Grey Group says one social media platform has stood out in 2022... Tik Tok. Listen to the full episode Apple Podcasts Spotify #communicationskills #publicrelations #publicrelationsdepartment #storiesandstrategies #podcast #podcasts #communication…
According to the Datareportal ( July 2022 global overview more than half the world now uses social media (59%). 4.7 billion people around the world are using social media. The question is no longer whether people are using social media but what they’re using them for and how can comms…
Cision is one company willing to take a position on sensitive issues such as Roe V Wade, Vaccines, and Gun Control. It’s a communication company that, among other services, provides news release distribution services. What if a potential client want to use Cision’s services to articulate a view the company…
If you look at the data, increasingly consumers are saying they want to know where companies stand on social and political issues. Still less than one in five companies is actually willing to do so. In this clip from the Stories and Strategies Podcast, Cision’s Jay Webster explains why the…
In February 2022, the New York Times reported findings from interviews with undergraduate seniors entering the workforce as well as a recent survey of millennials (some of whom are now in their 40’s), about their expectations of companies for whom they intend to work. 61 percent said they preferred companies…
Video Promo Episode 75 - Building Your Reputation Capital Before the Crises
No doubt you already know tenets of good crisis planning: Be prepared, be accountable, respond quickly (or at least timely), tell the truth… Several years of living in a COVID World and the sudden emergence of all those crisis experts has the basics of crisis management drilled into our heads.…
We’ve all had those moments in our careers. Moments of sheer terror. That time we emailed to “Reply All,” that time we put the wrong phone number or website in the news release, that spelling error you didn’t catch before distributing the newsletter to thousands of people. And sometimes the…
You know how this feels. You’re called into a meeting on something important where a decision or action must be determined. But in the meeting, everyone takes turns making different points (presumably so they feel they’ve contributed to the meeting in front of their superior), the conversation goes wayward and…
Researchers at Queen’s University in Canada have established a method that, for the first time, can detect indirectly when one thought ends and another begins. Dr Jordan Poppenk and his team call them “Thought Worms,” consisting of consecutive moments when a person is focused on the same idea. This is…
Micro media is a somewhat new term we can use to describe media created by companies, brands and individuals housed (mainly) online. Personal blogs and corporate sites that invite fans and industry leaders to contribute, are two other examples. In the olden days (circa 1980) the most common way to…
Within Public Relations and Marketing we often use what are considered to be best practices for our strategies. It’s natural. If a methodology, including survey and analysis, has worked in a similar situation previously, that’s the one to use. The challenge with surveys or polls is they’re often unreliable. They’re…
Stephen Krempl believes if you want to get noticed the right way by your senior leaders you must recognize there are only five situations in which those leaders will see or hear you. And when those situations arise, if you can master the art of turning a negative into either…